
Attendance IS Everybody’s Responsibility!!

Parents and caregivers are asked to contact the school as early as possible to advise if their child will be absent. This communication will be logged to indicate that the student in question is justifiably absent. Students who are absent without notice will be followed up and their parents and caregivers will be contacted to inform them that their child is absent from class without permission.

The school may be notified of an absence in any one of the following ways:
Call the Attendance Line free from your home phone or cell phone on 0800 1TAMAKI (0800 182625)
Text us on 022 4028706
Email us at


  • Ensure their child attends school regularly and throughout the day.
  • Wherever possible organise appointments outside of school hours.
  • Ensure their child gets to school on time.
  • Students who are late are required to report to the office to collect a late note which is given to the class teacher.
  • Explain absences of their child from school as soon as possible but within 7 days of absence.
  • Work with school to improve attendance.
  • When advising the school, please remember to clearly state your child’s name and mentor class, as well as the reason that they will be absent from school.