While our local supermarkets are doing their best to keep their shelves stocked, the reality for some of our families is, the items we would normally purchase are the items that are first cleared when, and if, we make it through the queues.
Pacific Futures Limited (PFL) made it possible for Tamaki College to mobilise its Tereora Academy to support our families that are vulnerable and in need of support during the nationwide lockdown. With the PFL funding, we were able to call on PaknSave to support our bulk order. Kids Can and the Tamaki College Breakfast Club jumped on board to support our mission to help 53 families in need.
The core of our business is education and some families were having issues with student devices/chromebooks. So with generous sponsorship from Genesis School-gen Trust, we were able to help a further 23 families this week by issuing loan devices or chargers so our learners can continue learning from home. Thank you Russel Burt, Lou Reddy, Genesis School-gen Trust, Noel Leemings, Fusion Networks and a school in Hamilton for supporting us in getting devices ready for our learners.
With the continuing generosity of Pacific Futures Limited we were able to team up with the Tamaki Regeneration Company who provided us an answer to the logistical part of getting supplies to our families.
These parcels were delivered by Te Hoe oo Taamaki, a local organisation who is supporting whanau in the wider Tamaki area.
74 families have received food parcels.
These parcels will continue to be offered to families in need each week of the lockdown, thanks to the funding from PFL. We have received additional funding from the Ministry of Education’s Talanoa Ako, and other kind organisations in our community.
We also wanted our families to stay connected, so for those who could not stay in touch with others because they have no mobile phone credit; we topped them up.
Tamaki College wishes to acknowledge our funders for their very kind and caring hearts. We also thank our supporters for allowing us to continue helping our community.
Nga Mihi Aroha kia koutou katoa.
If your family or someone you know would like to know more about our service email info@tamaki.ac.nz or 0800 1 TAMAKI (During normal school hours)
contact Te Hoe oo Taamaki on 0800 TAAMAKI (0800 822 62 54). The phones will be answered (Mon – Friday 8am-8pm and Sat and Sun 10am-2pm).