From our Principal – May 20th, 2020

Kia Ora Whanau!!

Welcome to our first week of Alert Level 2 onsite as we now know it. This is new for everyone so please be patient and be assured that we will work through this “new normal” together as a family.

Day 1 – We welcomed our Year 12 & 13 Students and that went well with a few reminders of social distancing.

Day 2 – We welcomed our Year 11 students and this was a great success in terms of students returning compared to our projected numbers. We had just over 70% attendance. It was great to see our Year 11 Students excited to learn and observing the Alert level 2 social distancing rules. Great Work!!

Day 3 – Was our final day of the rolling start. We welcomed our last group of students, our Year 9 & 10, back to school.

Thank you again for your continued support of our rolling start in LEVEL 2 and the planned, safe return of our tamariki to Tamaki College.

Starting tomorrow, School will be open for ALL students Year 9 – 13, during our normal school hours. (8:50am to 3:00pm.)

We look forward to seeing all our tamariki return tomorrow.

For those students that are unable to attend school, we will continue to deliver classes online through our teacher created websites, Google Apps for Education and HAPARA learning management system.

Under Alert Level 2, our students onsite will continue to access their learning via teacher websites and Google meet sessions.

We thank our parents and families for continuing to support the Prime Minister’s request during Alert Level 4, 3 and now 2 where we will “Play it safe”.

It is important that all our students can continue their education. Please be assured that it will safe when they return and we will ensure that public health measures are in place such as social distancing, sanitizing and hand washing.

If you need support with accessing devices, food or the Health Centre support Team please contact us on info@tamaki.ac.nz.

A friendly reminder to ALL students, “Doing Nothing is not an Option”

Kia Kaha Kia Toa
Malo Aupito

Remember Be Kind, Stay Safe, Stay Home if unwell, Play it safe and Save Lives!!

Enjoy your visit!!

Soana Pamaka