Nominations are open for the election of FIVE parent representatives to the School Board.
Your nomination form is enclosed
You can use this form to nominate yourself or someone else in your community. We have nomination forms available in Te Reo Māori and some other languages. Please contact the Returning Officer if these are required.
Nominating yourself or someone else
If you are on the voting roll and eligible to vote, you can nominate yourself. Please remember to sign both parts of the form
If you are nominating someone else, complete the nomination form and make sure it includes all the required contact details and signatures.
You can post, hand deliver or email your nomination form/s to the Returning Officer (see details below). Nominations close at noon on WEDNESDAY 3 AUGUST 2022. Information on who is not eligible to be a board member is printed on the reverse of this page.
Candidate statement
If you are a candidate, you are invited to submit an optional statement (up to 400 words) and photo. Make sure your statement is received by noon on WEDNESDAY 3 AUGUST 2022 so that it can be sent to voters with the voting papers.
The Returning Officer may remove or edit any part of the candidate’s statement if it exceeds 400 words or is offensive or defamatory.
Electoral roll
The electoral roll is held at the school office and can be viewed during normal school hours.
Anyone can stand for election to the Board, except for some exclusions. Please check the information on this page to see who is not eligible. If you are not on the voting roll you must be nominated by a person who is.
A candidate may nominate a person to sit with the returning officer during the vote count to make sure it is done correctly. Scrutineers are also required for electronic elections if a recount is needed. Please advise the returning officer in writing of your scrutineer’s name and contact details before election day. Candidates cannot be scrutineers.
Voting and results
Electronic voting will not be an option for this election.
If there are more nominations than vacancies for parent representatives, a voting election will be held. Eligible voters will be issued voting papers and candidate statements, on or before WEDNESDAY 10 AUGUST 2022.
The poll closes at 4pm on WEDNESDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2022. The highest polling candidates will be elected to the board, and results will be notified to the school community and other affected parties.
Post, hand deliver, or email completed nomination form/s to:
Neil McEnteer, Returning Officer
Tāmaki College
109-115 Taniwha St
PO Box 18-061
Glen Innes