All Students Will Return Monday 31st, 2020 at Alert Level 2

August 25, 2020

Yesterday, the Government extended Alert Level 3 until 11:59pm this Sunday and will then move to Alert Level 2 on Monday.

This means all students will be allowed back to school except for those that are sick (phone Healthline or their GP and get tested if a doctor or health professional recommends to do so) and anyone who is self-isolating, or who has been advised by health authorities to remain at home while they wait for their COVID-19 test results, must stay home.

Online learning will continue to be available for Week 1 of Alert Level 2 for those who remain at home because of illness and or the need to self isolate. This will be reviewed and we will keep you informed moving forward.

As per the governments announcement, “Face coverings will be mandatory on public transport for the whole country from Monday 31st of August.” Please, if your child will be using Public Transport (ie bus and/or train) to get to school they must wear a face mask or face covering.

Please ensure that your child:

– is in full school uniform
– brings their device and charger
– brings lunch
– brings a named water bottle

Please note that school will start at 10:00am on Monday for all students and will then go back to normal school/timetabled hours from Tuesday onwards. We look forward to safely welcoming all our students back onsite at that time!