COVID 19 Update April 30th 2020

Kia Ora Whanau!!!

We hope you are all well and adjusting to Alert Level 3. Remember Stay Home and Save Lives!!

“We will stay in Alert Level 3 for two weeks, before Cabinet reviews how we are tracking and makes further decisions on 11 May.” – NZ Government

A “HUGE” thank you to parents/caregivers for encouraging your children to continue their online learning at home and especially to our students for participating in your online classes. It has been great to see you all online!!!

A friendly reminder from our Year Level Deans Assemblies, “Doing Nothing is not an Option”

Ministry of Education Devices:

Thank you for your patience. The Ministry will be delivering 90 devices throughout this week, so please look out for a delivery from the Courier.

Please note that the device is owned by Tamaki College and:
* is only to be used by the student or students at the delivered address
* will need to be returned to school when we are officially open for everyone.

If you need further information or help setting up the device, please call 0800 783 744.

We will continue to update as we hear from the Ministry.

Student Support:

A reminder that our Health Centre is still open remotely. Operating Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. Term Time Only.
Dr. Emalia can also arrange to have prescriptions sent home after having a consultation via technology.

Our team can be reached on our their Facebook pages or the emails below:



For all other enquiries, please contact us directly on:
General Enquiries Line – 0800 182 625(Free Phone)
Email – info@tamaki.ac.nz

Remember Stay Home and Save Lives!!

Kia Kaha Kia Toa