Kia Eke Panuku

The Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success programme aims to raise participation, engagement and equitable achievement levels of Māori students in English medium secondary schools, to ensure that these students enjoy education success as Māori,. and develop the competencies and qualifications that enable greater access to tertiary education, work training, and/or employment.  Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success also aims to raise wider system capability by enabling school leaders, teachers, their Māori communities and iwi/hapū to understand, establish, and maintain culturally responsive relationships and contexts for learning for and with Māori students, underpinned by the stated principles within Ka Hikitia – in particular the importance that the Treaty of Waitangi and valuing Māori language, culture and identity in education have for enabling Māori students to not only reach their full potential and to achieve and succeed as Māori, but to excel.

Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success brings together key findings from Te Kotahitanga, He Kākano, the Starpath Project for Tertiary Participation and Success and the Secondary Literacy and Numeracy Projects. The experience and expertise of three institutions (Waikato University, The University of Auckland and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi) are being drawn together into a new collaboration to secure the kaupapa. The academic and theoretical understandings of the personnel involved in this project are considerable, and everyone is committed to establishing and delivering the kaupapa of Kia Eke Panuku: Building on Success so that the potential gains identified from each previous programme can be realised for Māori students enjoying and achieving education success as Māori.

